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If I could

The days whisper with promises of money And it’s just so funny Because I listen with the intent to collect But this dream is easily wrecked The work I have to do before I get the prize To reach the truth I swim through lies I deceive myself and force myself to move forward But…

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Hiding your smell

Always angry at anyone adversely admiring aesthetics I will never understand those who participate in athletics Beauty born by believing broken bitches beseeches bad blood Society has made hiding your smell a rule that’s widely understood Clashing concepts crash consecutively cleansing cluttered courses Put on perfume to entice, deo to hide, stop moving to hide…

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Catch 22

Slowly but certain I can feel the curtain Enforcing this burden of a unknown person Chipping away at this display What to say since I’m the prey Words lose meaning feels like I’m dreaming My courage is leaving my body is scheming To abandon hope I just can’t cope With the pressures of upholding vain…

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This one is for you 2

Duae Animea Vita Una You started walking on a path, few tread upon The world’s music means nothing to your song You can dance to the melody your smiles create You two were meant for each other, and I’m no fan of fate But you hold something many wish to gain, more valuable than any…

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It isn’t over

I wrote away my dark, I told away the tears But my inspiration isn’t over yet I penned away my thoughts, I scribbled away my past But my motivation isn’t over yet I illustrated away my pain, I created away my future But my insanity isn’t over yet I made away my regrets, I molded…

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Can you hear him?

Can you hear him whispering behind his window Can you hear the rain tick against the glass ever so slow To remind him that the rain hasn’t stopped for years But the pavement isn’t drenched with water but with blood and tears The revolution has started, and the mob is cold hearted Can’t distinguish friend…

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Born to be alone

Maybe I was born to be alone Did I sleep when hands reached out to me Were my eyes closed when they called out to me Do I have selective hearing Maybe it’s nothing I’m fearing And it’s just who I am Perhaps I’m just a broken man Harboring forgotten pain Or I’m really insane…

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Double Standard

Could it be that honesty met integrity and officially stated that women hate it That men look at their back and judge from that if they should approach her Does logic not occur, doesn’t it make sense that the first sentence of a conversation Shouldn’t be about the booty, or is it just me Could…

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