The damage he’s done

The first scratch was done with the first lie

It changed colors the first time he made me cry

The first dent was when suspicion was born

Felt as if I died when the first piece was torn

He apologized and promised it would heal with time

An expert in when to attack my heart or my mind

Delusions of strength as he kept me weak

Trained me to forgive him, before he would speak

After every misstep, he would be on his best behaviour

Too lost in dream of us, to recognize the danger

It wasn’t till he cracked the left side, that I would never be the same

I now had scars to forever remind me of the pain

Sweet talked me into forgiveness as he caressed the stitches

Like a psychopath fondling his trophy

As if he was proud he could do this to me

Staying away from the right side, cause it was not yet ready

It was still whole, still able to be happy

But it was not long lived, because as fast as I could forgive

He could do it again, and so he did

He went for the right side with a vicious blow

Left his phone unlocked, as if he wanted me to know

The right side didn’t crack, it shattered

The pieces then scattered, blown away by his rage cause his privacy mattered

Never have tears felt so heavy as when fuelled by a heart that is no longer there

Never will pain be as intense as a heart broken when all it wanted was to care

Each lie is a scratch unnoticed by arms reaching out

Each discovered dishonesty is a piece taken out

Each moment taken for granted is a dent forever imprinted

Each put down is a scar eternally vivid

The damage he’s done, has left her heart one sided

Handicapped her trust, even if she tries to hide it

A broken heart will always have a mark

But the damage he’s done, has ripped it apart

Her heart now sleeps in two places

Her smile is now shown on two faces

Picking up the pieces is easier said than done

Because some of these pieces have the ability to run

And love is fast, while forgiveness is slow

So the damage he’s done, when given time can grow

So be careful of what you say and do

Because the impact on her heart, is more than what she will show you

And keep in mind that you are in control over your match

And that heartbreak usually starts with a scratch


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