You drive me crazy

You never trust what I tell you

Always doubt what I say is true

You always have to make sure it’s how you want it

Always plan out every aspect of a trip

Not even thinking that I might know something

Always asking me if there is something I’m forgetting

You always complain about not doing enough

How you need some excitement and your days are tough

But when I ask you what you want to do, you don’t know

And yet places I want to visit, you don’t want to go

You have these mood swings I can’t understand for the life of me

And for some reason you never feel the need to explain them to me

You’re clingy yet distant, as if you want me and fear me

To be honest you drive me to the brink of insanity

And yet I wouldn’t trade a second of our time

I couldn’t see myself going forward, leaving you behind

You drive me crazy, but I know where it’s coming from

You drive me crazy, but you always know what needs to be done

It might be weird, but I love how you complain

A perfect fit, because we are just the same

That’s why we collide, that’s why we fight

But even so, there is no one else I would rather sleep next to tonight

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