I lost myself in a city

I had a dream

And in my dream, I found myself in a scene

The ground I walked on was made out of the alphabet

Each letter was perfectly set

So that it could become a street

Left in awe, I was unable to speak

The alphabet stacked until it kissed the stars

Skyscrapers surrounded me as prison bars

And I actually saw books moving around as cars

This was a city made out of A B and C

And insanely enough this translated as beauty

The street signs combined their letters to make words

Telling me my location until all I saw and heard

Was over there … go

I was on the corner of Vocabulary Boulevard, and Dictionary Street

Right across from where Literate Avenue and Library Park meet

So I started walking until I hit a T-shaped cross road

And as I looked left and right on my back I felt a load

It were all my notepads, my scribbled pages, and notebooks

But in this dream, I was easily deceived by looks

Because I took one of these pages and started to read

But as I did the words started to bleed

And the paper became soggy

Until the last words I read was I’m sorry

Then the blood mixed with the ink and scrambled it all and put it back into place

And for a second I swear I could see my own face

And then it became map for me to find my way

So I took a right cause the map showed a big OK

With a big X on it

So I figured I should go to it

With every step, I took the alphabet cried out to me


And then it stopped and I saw a bunch of syllables with hoodies on

With verbs on chains barking at me as if I was doing wrong

They had question marks for guns and exclamation points for knives

These were words as nigger and fuck come to live

And they were staring me down

And words as safety couldn’t be found

But then pronunciation showed up and helped me out

He picked up letters from the street and spelled what is this all about

Then the verbs and syllables merged to spell peace out

So I continued on my way, and the night turned into day

The letters of the street seemed to glow

And this city decided to let me know

That the way I needed to go was over there

Knowing this was a dream, I decided I didn’t care

And kept on walking until the big X came in range

And then I saw the street signs change

From the past to present to future

I could see its connecting suture

The big OK was now right in front of me

V I N O in big neon lights

A smile on my face when I saw this sight

This building was the only one not made of letters, syllables or words

This one was created with sentences

I went inside and the walls were covered with pictures of me

A TV was showing videos of me

The floor was covered with words about me

This building was me

I had a dream

Where I lost myself in letters

Where I found guidance in words

And where I found myself in sentences

I lived in poetry, in a land of writing

This was my dream


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