The mushroom cloud behind the minivan


Scattered within my mind are a wide array of sentences

An extensive box of melodies, a vast collection of images

They are the source of what makes me, the all to the glimpse that you see

These are the layers of my insanity

“Impossible is nothing but a small alley, in a vast city filled with possibilities and chances”

“Nothing will happen, nothing will change if you don’t make it so”

“Live and act as if you’re going to die tomorrow, but think as if you’re going to live forever”

“You decide your own worth, you decide your own life.

Don’t let anyone tell you anything different”

“if I die tonight, I want you to know its been real”

“Without words my life would be empty”

“Failure is a part of success”

“Giving up is way harder than trying”

“Practice makes perfect, and nothing is perfect”

“Reward without effort, is blood from a stone”

“If I can’t laugh it off, then life has won”

“If I’m not going forward I’m standing still, if I’m standing still I’m going backwards,

if I’m going backwards I have failed”

“Motivation and perseverance are all I need to make things happen”

“My past will never dictate what I can do nor my future”

“Happy endings don’t exist”

“Life is nothing but a series of moments”


Scattered within my mind are a wide array of sentences

An extensive box of melodies, a vast collection of images

They are the source of what makes me, the all to the glimpse that you see

These are the layers of my insanity

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