His dance seems funny to those who pass him by
But his face and eyes, show he’s about to cry
Hands on his ass, his knees up and down
Teeth into bottom lip, to keep the screams down
Staring at the door trying to conjure up a plan
His resentment growing for that damn little black man
Yet they all enter and they all give him a weird look
Free to do as they please ignorance is all it took
Maybe they don’t wish to see, this grim reality
He might look funny to them, but to him they are crazy
They cover the walls and floors, they float in the air
It is a grotesque cesspool of filth in there
And that little black man, the gatekeeper of it all
The hell where the excrements of society fall
He can almost see them sitting awaiting his entrance
Smiling as they wait with the devils patience
He refuses to go in but his options run low
His grip on the situation weakens ever so slow
Did one get to him was his vigilance lacking
All the rules were followed, how could this be happening
He goes through his week but no anomaly is found
And yet this damn rumbling is still around
His body is upset his face is crunched up
Fear, logic and principles between these he is stuck
His sides start to hurt the pain intensifies
No success to be gained, yet he tries
He buckles under the pain, assumes a squatting position
Excruciating pain verses unbearable decision
Immediately rises up that pose is wrong
Dangerous as his clench becomes less strong
His body says move, his mind says halt
About to enter the house of those at fault
But he stops in his tracks, unable to move, unable to stay
A cruel and unusual torture his mind and body play
A crowd of coworkers form as they get what’s going on
He got sick something he could no longer prolong
The bug that went around finally got to him
A battle against violent diarrhea none of them could win
But he is a germaphobe of the first degree
Vigilant disinfectant use, shook hands with nobody
Never gets close enough to feel or smell ones breath
For him germs are a source of immediate death
He had a compulsive disorder, other than that, a clean bill of health
But now he had to choose
Use a public bathroom
Shit on himself