The words of a broken fallacy, shine through my fingers
As I seek company, the stench of loneliness lingers
It’s perfume an attack on the senses
Strolling in a forgotten world, and all I have is this
My pen
My pad
The days where time sided with me
We’re honestly a long forgotten memory
Until the words were found
And each letter seemed to pound
On a door, I closed
So then the question was posed
Who am I?
The answer was ice cold smoke blown in my face
The lips of disgrace, victory and dignity found a case
In which a fire burned that I had lit
These few would not allow me to again forget
Their words have now been collected and bound
Their fists on my doors no longer make a sound
For now, we find ourselves in a daze
A maze where all my dark corners stay
I invite you to walk through
I invite you to turn pages in the hopes of a clue
I created this for you
A mind filled with stories, that translated into sentences
Which transformed into a book repentance
This book is the explanation to the dark side
So buckle up, lean back, get some popcorn and enjoy the ride