Severed, broken, shattered, unraveled, corroded, destroyed and gone

We replaced it with a token of gratitude

For total abandonment would be too rude

A straw made rope with a silk line core

The titanium layered rope isn’t there anymore

Used to be a bridge that the world couldn’t break

There are decisions that life will take

Whether to build on or remove from the foundations laid

These are the two consequences to the actions you made

You kept chiseling at the cables and gnawing at the ropes

Diminished the scenery with self-made smoke

Severed, broken, shattered, unraveled, corroded, destroyed and gone

The bridge reduced to a single line

A feeble copy to with stand the times

Fragile to the point we dare not cross

Nothing more to lose we are at a loss

Given my mind is distressed at best

Yours too stubborn to listen, give it a rest

Comparing ours to others a clear mistake

My mind fractured glass, just waiting to break

Your deeds and words a brick thrown at full power

Something once so pure is now so sour

Severed, broken, shattered, unraveled, corroded, destroyed and gone

You complain on how things are and how you wish them to be

How others act and how you wish that were me

As if blame can be put anywhere else but on your plate

As if logic couldn’t show what would trigger my hate

Your acts, your deeds, your demeanor and your lies

We now have a new relationship for this is what happened to our old ties

Severed, broken, shattered, unraveled, corroded, destroyed and gone

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