Hiding myself

I cower behind words I know you’ll accept

Seek refuge with statements I can easily take back

I paint lines on my face to distract you from my eyes

Stand in the middle of truth so you won’t suspect my lies

Cry false tears of real pain, so you can see I’m hurt

Place a silver cloak on top of it, so you won’t see the dirt

With clenched fists I will whisper that I like you

Will then commit acts to convince you it isn’t true

I hide myself behind myself to maintain real

Have snipers and guards placed on my road to feel

I sit in a bunker made of thick walls of denial

Safely remaining untouched yet my body feels vile

My representatives go out to scout about

They rarely return, and when they do they shout

Screaming with a head filled with regret and pain

One returned sane told me love is its name

It decimated my army, placed a crack in my heart

My most valiant warrior, logic got ripped apart

Now I’m afraid, so I put up masks, posters, holograms

Each one a façade, a well thought out scam

You shook hands with P.R. spoke to marketing

Research and development is what you are reading

The C.E.O has been absent for a while

All he does is instruct the spokesperson to smile

In a room with no windows, no method of contact

I feel comfortable in this perpetual black

I hide myself from people, know they won’t like the real me

Sad, depressed and most important crazy

Hide myself so you can like what you see

Cause scars and seething rage are considered ugly

Problems are best given an inch at a time

Raising them all is nothing but a deadly sign

My problems, my fear, my pain all hide with me

Sometimes my opinions, feelings and occasionally my honesty

I hide myself from anything that may hurt or I might dislike

You might call it wrong, but you do the exact same thing right?

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