Chapter 28: Learning to Cover-Up

The door of the big gym opens up and a man wearing an expensive-looking suit walks out. Demo doesn’t really pay him any mind because he is trying to go in. But the man at first casually glances to see who is in his way. But once he sees how much internal energy Demo has within him, he stops. He places his right hand on his chest and slightly bows.

“Good day, my name is Castitas. It’s an honor to meet you.”

Demo looks at him with a side eye because there is something off about him.


Castitas smiles with what he thinks is an innocent smile but it looks extremely creepy.

“Demo, it’s very nice to make your acquaintance. Are you perhaps from around here?”

Demo thinks to himself that the way he talks is weird. But his questions don’t seem weird so it should be ok to answer.

“No, I don’t know where I’m from.”

Castitas eyes twinkle with delight because he just heard something interesting that might prove profitable.

“How intriguing. So there might be others like you?”

“Like me?”

Castitas realizes that Demo doesn’t know how special he is or how unique the powers within him are. So he just smiles and stops his line of questioning.

“Demo, I feel like I can be of assistance to …”

Before Castitas can finish his sentence his pocket starts buzzing. Frustrated with the interruption he loses his temper for just a fraction of a second. But that fraction was enough for Demo to instinctively jump back from the perceived danger. Castitas surprised that Demo was able to catch that mere moment of rage brings out his innocent creepy smile.

“Sorry about the interruption. No need to be so wary. I simply dislike beautiful opportunities being disrupted. But alas I do have business to attend to.”

Demo has a questioning look on his face, he is trying to figure out if this man is strong or just extremely dangerous for some other reason. Castitas walks past Demo with his creepy smile and while walking away waves goodbye as he speaks his last words.

“I sincerely hope we meet again.”

Demo looks at Castitas walk away. With the danger having past his body and mind relaxes again. The door to the gym is still open so he walks in. And there he sees a group of students sitting on the ground in a lotus position. Their bodies glowed with a red light. In front of them stands a short man with a scruffy beard and a big hat. He seems to be instructing them. In the corner of the gym, another group of students seem to be transforming pigs into several different shapes and disforming them. The one instructing them is a very tall man using a walking stick. Demo has walked into their training and thus disturbed them enough to garner their attention. They all turn to him at the same time. The scruffy-bearded man walks up to Demo.


Demo nods and points at the students with the red glow.

“I want to learn how to cover up!”

Scruffy beard looks slightly confused at Demo.

“Are you a member of the HRRC?”

Demo shakes his head as he answers.

“No, I’m not. Do I have to be?”

Scruffy beard looks Demo up and down and slightly tilts his head as he asks the next question.

“Are you a student here?”

Demo can kind of see where this is going and decides to name-drop to see if it will help.

“I’m a special guest of Braverte.”

This one line piqued the interest of the tall man with the stick. He now walks up as well.

“What is your name, young man?”


“Nice to meet you Demo. I’m Bilicus. And this is Strils.”

Demo uninterested in their names brings it back to the topic at hand.

“So can I join?”

Bilicus smiles and looks at Strils with a smile.

“Let the young man join. Helping a guest of Braverte is only right.”

Demo is happy at the news and rushes to sit next to the students in the lotus position.

“So, what do I do?”

Bilicus and Strils nod at each other since they both understand what should be done. Bilicus returns to his pig modifying group and Strils stands in front of Demo and the others. He looks at the other students and nods at them.

“Continue as you were while I teach him.”

The students close their eyes and focus on their energy. Rather quickly the red glow returns to cover their bodies. Demo nods excitedly like a kid filled with glee as that is exactly what he wants as well.

Strils looks down at Demo while checking him out.

“Can you use Higher Reasoning?”

Demo nods as he answers.

“Yeah, Li-On taught me.”

The name doesn’t ring any bells yet.

“Li-On? What school does he teach at?”

“He has a gym with a gold dragon on it. And I think he taught that KetsuEki guy as well.”

This line shocked everyone in the gym and they again turned their heads to look at Demo. Demo surprised at the sudden attention is a bit startled. Strils shocked at what he just heard wants to verify.

“You … You mean THE Tril Li-On? KetsuEki’s teacher?”


Strils looks back at Bilicus as this information seems to disrupt whatever they had planned. Strils looks back at Demo who is still kind of confused at the reaction of everyone else. Strils suddenly has a very serious look on his face.

“Ok Demo, close your eyes. And imagine your body floating in space.”

Demo smiles and closes his eyes. And starts his Cover-up training. Meanwhile, Ten has decided to follow the student who always has his eyes closed. He walks behind him and his female companion as they make their way to what looks like an abandoned building.

Chapter 28 Fin

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