I am a writer, and with each movement of my hand I am caressing the walls of my soul to see where the cracks are and which pieces are coming loose
I let the tip of my pen glide through the darkness to make way for the light
So you can see into the black that has tainted the colour spectrum of my mind
With each new word I chisel away at my heart and the dust that falls is what I present to you
This blank page is filled with nothing more than screams morphed into ink
This image I’m painting in your mind’s eye is nothing more than a rippled reflection of what sleeps behind mine; the emotions I invoke are nothing more than wishes of my feelings, which are broken
To be healed through an understanding of your perception of my twisted reality
What I present to you isn’t words or sentences; it’s not even a poem
It’s comfort for when pain finds you and you feel alone; know that I’m there too
It’s an outline for the way back when darkness has dragged you in too deep
Grab a hold of my sentences to find your way back
Use my syllables to nourish yourself when life has taken everything you need
When you hear the steps of depression creep in your hallway
Use my life as an alarm to scare him away
Let my creativity show you what my voice is unable to tell you
Invite all the words in this piece and throw a farewell party for sadness
I want – no, I need to help you
If my art isn’t making the world better, I don’t deserve the title of poet
If you can’t relate to my pieces, I can’t don the name author
If you can’t see me in what I write, I have failed as a writer
My life is the frame
My love is the canvas
My soul is the ink
My heart is the brush
My pain is the inspiration
My everything is the result
I give myself to you through my art