Are you scared

Are you scared to see what could be

If you would only deem yourself happy

Run around with fears that have no meaning

Afraid to tell people what you’re dreaming

Because you’ve been stepped on spit on

Talked about then left alone

So now you’re afraid to repeat a mistake that another has made

Can’t step off the foundation that their lies have laid

So you abandon hope and neglect what makes you, you

Adapting to the image they perceive as you

That isn’t right

Put up a fight

Surprise yourself … be yourself

What’s the use of the verbal abuse of what they perceive as the truth

It’s only seen from their perspective

But in all honesty, the easy road is so seductive

So you would rather sit back and kick back and later on look back at what could have been

Thinking to yourself OH what a beauty my life could have been

If only I had the fuel and the spirit to chase my dreams

Instead of letting other people’s opinion ruin my dream

But what you forgot and forget is that they judge you from their past

Their experiences what they want and what they had

They weren’t able to run with the speed of their fantasy

So immediately they want the same for everybody

Just look them in their eyes and say I am not you

I can do anything I set my mind too

Impossible is only that if you give it that name

You and I are not the same

Your goals where the stars but you settled for the sky

I will not do the same, why walk when I can fly

I will reach my fantasy open every door

Then when I look back I can see there was nothing to be scared for

That’s just life

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