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Learning Process

To miserably fail is to greatly succeed Warning aren’t always meant to heed Falling is needed for us to rise Experience isn’t given to one who never tries Thinking should be applied as one moves along Standing still to contemplate to me is wrong Overthinking will prohibit action For fire we need friction And for…

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A crush

I sneak in a glance or two hoping she won’t catch me I listen to her voice it’s sweet yet sexy Watch her walk past me, imagine her when I’m alone She would make any place a happy home Her cute bottom lip simply asking for a bite Her fragrance makes a hard day seem…

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I miss it

I miss the days were fun was essential Where enjoying myself stood central And my name wasn’t synonymous with give bills to Eat, sleep, play and homework all I had to do My consoles and I were as intimate as any couple My gears were topped and my dragons were double When girls became real,…

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Convince me

Show me the letters, show me the tree they engraved it in Show me this fable of a happy ending Let the wrinkles of time not be placed on their mind Then allow me to see what love left behind A kiss folded with passion and beauty Not contempt and complacency Convince me of this…

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The greatest struggle

I’ve got voices in my head, they murmur in a low whisper. I listen to each word said, they are my souls blister. They revel in the dark, they thrive in madness. Some feed on acknowledgment, some feed on sadness. From all the voices 6 have taken a chair, signifying their intent. They will remain…

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Money issues

Money isn’t everything or so they say That must have been made up by people who weren’t broke everyday Who don’t have to do math in their head Counting up the groceries in their bag This should be about 20, I should have 21 in my account I should be safe if I calculated the…

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