Convince me

Show me the letters, show me the tree they engraved it in

Show me this fable of a happy ending

Let the wrinkles of time not be placed on their mind

Then allow me to see what love left behind

A kiss folded with passion and beauty

Not contempt and complacency

Convince me of this happy ending they talk about

Paint for me a picture of happiness when she shouts

Show me a smile when that hand grazes her face

Tell me a story where forever was the case

Where the bond was more, than simply scared to move on

Where fear to be alone, didn’t grip their heart so strong

That eyes still lit up after ages past

Dazzle me with the fact that such a spell can be cast

Whisper to me that death is just the start of something new

That giving up your dreams for “US” is what you’ve always wanted to do

Go on, convince me of this happy ending, they are so eager to show

It must be a secret path in life you can take, I’m dying to know

Hand me a novel, act out a play, show me a movie, write an essay

For today I wish to behold these fantastic tales I’ve been told

Their warm essence seems to escape my world of cold

My past and possible future filled with bitter reality

So once again I tell you, go ahead convince me

Tell me that Disney’s fantasy is a possibility

And that my view on life isn’t necessary

Better yet show me, this happy ending I keep hearing about

Please enlighten me, remove all of my doubt

Convince me that its real, show me it exists

That there is a route in life I simply missed

Go ahead convince me

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