Cleus dashes towards Cyte to help her with the zombie. Cyte however grits her teeth.
Cleus stops running towards her and stands still. Cyte keeps dodging the zombie’s attacks while talking.
“I need to take care of this alone. Please recover and then help Ten.”
Cyte refocuses on her fight, knowing that Cleus is safe and that Ten is capable of keeping the other zombie busy. She is able to stop worrying and focus on what’s in front of her. She is unable to do any big moves because the zombie is relentless. Her basic attacks aren’t strong enough to truly hurt the zombie, let alone kill it.
Cleus stands still, looking at Cyte fight. He knows that what she is saying is that she wants to become stronger and this is a trial she has to overcome. He looks at Ten, who seems to be doing ok. Cleus takes a quick inventory of his stamina, the state of his body, both internally and externally.
“Ten, hold on a little longer. I will be right there.”
Cleus sits down and relaxes his mind to recuperate some of his lost stamina. He makes sure to keep watching Cyte fight, in case she needs help. Meanwhile, Cyte lowers her core like she is about to jump very high. She then leans her body forward and dashes straight for the zombie. The zombie sees her coming and throws a punch. Cyte is able to dodge the punch but not entirely. The side of the zombie’s fist connects and scrapes her face deep enough for a cut to appear. Cyte’s blood trails behind her as she gets closer to the zombie.
Her eyes start glowing a deep red, she recites a very short mathematical chant and ends it with the word.
“Rode Circulation.”
In the blink of an eye, Cyte is behind the zombie. The zombie doesn’t move, it just starts shaking as if it can’t control its own body. Cyte quickly turns around and with her dagger she cuts the zombie’s neck. And its head is sent flying. Cyte then throws her dagger into the zombie’s head.
Her dagger lights up, and then explodes taking the zombie’s head with it into oblivion. The zombie’s body falls down to the ground. Cyte is exhausted, she puts her hands on her knees and is breathing heavily. Cleus has a smile on his face as he is amazed at what Cyte just did.
She made sure to not completely avoid the zombie’s attacks so that it would draw blood. She then used Higher Reasoning on the blood that trailed her and turned it into several daggers. She used the dagger in her hand to cut the zombie’s neck. The blood daggers that she made then aimed for the exact same place and added cut upon cut. It was basically a chainsaw of blood daggers to cut through the zombie’s neck. And before it could regenerate she delivered the final blow and separated the head. She wasn’t able to do any big moves, and her basic moves were too weak. So she just stacked small attacks until they became a big one.
“Well done.”
Cyte looks up at Cleus and smiles.
“Hey, I’m glad you two are having fun over there. But a little help here would be appreciated.”
Ten is doing all he can to avoid death. Cleus stands up, and Cyte straightens up, and the two of them walk towards the final zombie. Knowing that Cyte and Cleus are coming to help gave Ten a sense of relief so he smiled. But that short moment made him lose focus, and he wasn’t able to dodge the next attack in time. All he could do was block it with his shield. Ten is sent flying backwards towards where Cyte and Cleus are. Both of them look down at Ten with a proud smile on their face. Cleus extends his hand to Ten.
“Let’s finish this.”
Ten grabs his hand and stands back up.
“Nah, I’m good, you two go.”
Cleus smiles, because Ten did what he needed to do, and now they can finish what they have to do.
Cleus summons a sword, and Cyte summons a dagger. The zombie is now faced with several enemies and doesn’t know who to focus on. Before it can make a decision, Cyte runs left and Cleus runs right. The zombie is now even more confused. That is when Ten decides to help once more.
“Hey, Ugly!”
The zombie then puts its attention on Ten, which allows Cyte to jump up and attack its head. Cleus ducks down and attacks the feet. The simultaneous attack makes the zombie spin in the air. After the attack, Cleus and Cyte slide on the ground as they come to a halt. Then they both immediately jump upwards at the same time, as they come down towards the still spinning zombie they put their weapons lower so that it will stab the zombie as they come down.
Cleus hits the zombie in the neck and Cyte stabs it in the head. They then hit the ground with a large impact that creates a huge dust cloud. Both Cleus and Cyte jumped backwards after landing, so they both come out of the dust cloud at the same time with a smile on their face as they say it together.
Their swords glow and explode at the same time. The zombie’s neck and head are gone. Both Cleus and Cyte land and immediately sit down. Ten’s body drops to the ground as well as he realizes it’s all over.
“We did it.”
Ten looks at the bag of MYOS that he took from Strils.
“We need to bring this to Braverte.”
“In a second.”
All three of them lean back and sprawl out on the ground exhausted. As they all look at the sky, in a different area of the school Braverte and Pulmo are still engaged in a furious battle. But the zombies have been reduced to 4. Three zombie bodies are on the ground. Both Pulmo and Braverte are unscathed but are tired. Braverte has a sad look on his face.
“Bilicus will pay for this.”
Pulmo also has a sad look on her face.
“There’s no other way.”
The remaining zombies scream in anger, Braverte is unfazed. He starts walking towards the zombies followed by Pulmo.
“We will have to give them a proper burial when this is all over.”
“A painless end.”
“That is all we can do for them.”
Chapter 68 fin