Chapter 66: Kneel

The zombie’s punch is headed directly for Ten’s head. Mai quickly takes over Ten’s body and mind. Using her computing strength and Ten’s visual acuity, she analyses the trajectory of the punch coming towards her. Using minimal movement, she dodges the punch, but is met with another zombie’s punch. Using the momentum of Ten’s body, Mai rotates Ten’s body with perfect timing to slip past the second punch. Mid rotation, the last zombie throws a punch, and Mai uses Ten’s body to duck down to avoid that strike as well.

Mai then for a very short period of time releases the limiters on Ten’s legs so that he can use his full strength to dash away from the danger he is. His dash brings him right next to Cleus, who can’t believe what he just saw Ten do.

“What was that?” I didn’t know you could fight like that.”

Having brought Ten to safety, she releases the hold she had on Ten. Ten grabs his head in pain, and gets a bloody nose. Using Mai like that, strains his brain and exerts a lot of pressure on his mind and body.

“I had help.”

The zombies turn their heads to face Cleus and Ten. Cleus places his hand on Ten’s chest and starts walking backwards. Ten is unclear on what is happening and why they are retreating.

“I don’t think they will give up if we back away.”

“Trust me.”

The zombies slowly start walking towards Ten and Cleus without saying a word. After a few more steps, Cleus suddenly starts smiling, and as Ten notices his smile, from the corner of his eye he sees a shadowy figure run out of the building he was in and away from the fight.

Strils has decided that he will leave Ten and Cleus to the zombies. He has to make his way to Bilicus to inform him that Braverte is making a move using the students, and also bring the MYOS to safety. So Strils is running with several bags on him.

Ten and Cleus have stopped walking backwards. Cleus bites his hand and summons another sword.

“This better work.”

“What are you talking about?”

The zombies finally close in on Ten and Cleus, and without noticing, step into Cleus’ domain. Once all three are in, Cleus spills some of his blood from his hand on the ground. The circular domain starts lighting up.

“I had to reactivate it, but it won’t last long. We need to take care of them before time runs out.”


Cleus looks at Ten whose face is filled with fear. To comfort Ten, Cleus shows him a gentle smile.

“Can you cover my back?”

“I’ll do my best.”

“That’s all I can ask.”

Cleus straightens his back, points one of his blades at the 3 zombies. Cleus’ eyes start glowing a deep red, and his body gathers a red fog around it. Then in an authoritative tone he commands them.


The blood inside the zombies releases a sudden shock of energy. Inside Death’s Domain blood will obey its ruler. The zombies try to fight the authority exerted on them, but their bodies reluctantly end up kneeling. Cleus can sense that his control over them isn’t perfect. Their blood has been contaminated with something that weakens his control. He won’t be able to hold them for long. And just keeping them like this is taking a lot of energy.

“Ten, kill one of them while they are kneeling.”


Ten places his hands on the ground and using Higher Reasoning he focuses his mind. In front of the zombie that is closest to them, a blue glow appears on the ground. The zombie starts screaming in anger and starts struggling furiously to be released from the hold that Cleus has on it. Ten finishes his mathematical chant, and from the spot where the glow appeared, a huge spike appears that is aimed at the zombie’s head.

The zombie’s struggle proves successful, it is able to narrowly dodge the spike that was aimed for its head. Having broken free, the zombie lunges at Ten at top speed. It’s so fast that both Cleus and Ten are caught off guard. Cleus’ concentration breaks as he tries to help his friend.


Ten sees the monster hurling towards him and knows that his only way out is Mai.


But Mai is unable to take control of his mind completely due to the fatigue that built up from their previous attempt. The zombie’s hand is about to reach Ten. Ten knows that there is nothing he can do, so he closes his eyes and braces for impact.

The zombie grabs Ten’s head and lifts him up. The zombie is about to slam Ten into the ground. Ten feels himself in the air, as he can tell he is being forced downwards. He braces himself for death. Cleus tightens his grip on his sword so that he can cut the zombie and help Ten, but then he hears something familiar and stops, and smiles.

The zombie’s hand with Ten’s head in it is about to reach the ground when suddenly a streak of black lightning passes through and the zombie’s arm is sent flying. Ten can feel himself being dragged by his collar away from the zombie. Still alive, he opens his eyes and there is Cyte, she saved him from imminent death.

The zombie screams in pain, the other two zombies are still kneeling. Cyte keeps her gaze focused on the injured zombie as she talks to Ten.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah, thank you.”

“How come they are moving?”

“I don’t know, Strils just ordered them to attack me and they just went berserk after that.”

Cyte’s eyes open up in surprise.

“They followed orders?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Cyte stands up straight and looks at Cleus.

“I have a bad feeling about this, your majesty.”

Cleus nods, and then starts walking towards the two kneeling zombies.

“You take care of that one, I’ll take care of those two.”

At the end of that sentence Death’s Domain’s circle abruptly ends. The spell has been broken, and the two zombies stand up, enraged, looking at Cleus.

Chapter 66 fin

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