Chapter 15: Start the Mayhem Pt.2

High above the planet Numbers the gate is still open. And more Palindra have joined their ranks. The big group is standing in formation at key locations above the planet awaiting their orders. Their leader is looking down at the planet monitoring the first wave he sent out. His second in command is standing next to him with a smile as he enjoys the view.

“Sammohan Karnā (They fell for it).”

The leader smiles as he sees more and more people being sent to the disaster area to help fight against the Palindra.

“Vishvāsyogy Kromor (You can always trust a fool to do foolish things.)”

But as the leader watches the energy signals and patterns happening on the ground he notices an occasional flicker of energy that draws his attention. It’s too clean and powerful to be coming from a regular person.

“Venor (Strange)”

Back on the planet at the center of their military, there is a big meeting being held. Their entire military defense is in an uproar at the sudden attack. They were notified of the gate opening near them but were also told that Stitches arrived soon after and closed the gate. Stitches is known for their low percentage of failure. It stands at around 0%. So they didn’t feel the need to prepare for the worst-case scenario because they put their trust in Stitches. Now that the worst has happened they are scrambling to defend themselves. The President of the Planet is in a panicked state as he screams at his staff.


“We don’t know sir. Somehow they broke through a gate that Stitches closed. We received the Gate Closure Confirmation from Stitches after they concluded.”


The President hits the table in anger as he is powerless to help his people in their time of peril.

“How are we doing?”

“Well sir, we have sent our own forces who lost several key battles. After informing the general public and asking for their aid all the gyms and private security companies teleported to the disaster area to help fight. And since then we have seen some success but the loss of life has been catastrophic.”

With a look of fear and despair, the President looks at the big screen in front of him with several small screens in it with each of them streaming a different battle.

“We have to stop them here. If they are allowed to leave this city they will do what they always do and ravage everything in their path and devour this whole planet. We cannot end up like Planet Alpha.”

“We have put up a defense perimeter around the city sir, we will stop them if they try to leave the city by any means necessary.”

Suddenly a big red sign comes across the screen that reads “WARNING”. The entire screen switches to one camera and it shows a wave of Palindra bearing down on a different city.

Everyone in the meeting stops dead in their tracks and stares at the screen in complete disbelief. The President collapses in the chair behind with tears in his eyes as he has lost all hope. One of the generals at the meeting realizes what has happened and stands up.

“They tricked us. They knew we would assume they would do what they always do. Start in one place and spread out. They knew we would send all our forces to that one place to stop that from happening. They knew. They knew we would empty all our cities to protect the one. They knew.”

The President looks back at the general with a face filled with shock and dismay.

“No, that’s impossible. Those savages don’t have the ability to use strategy.”

“Apparently they do sir.”


The President turns back to the screen and as he does several more screens pop up. All with similar scenes of waves of Palindra falling from the sky about to attack.

“How much longer before the U.D.A. arrives?”

“About an hour sir.”

“They might be too late.”

On one of the screens, we can see Ten running past the camera. After seeing the stream of darkness making its way towards the city he knows he has to rush to save his mother. As he comes around the corner of the hospital, he sees her. Her brother is carrying her out of the hospital. His uncle and Ten lock eyes. They immediately understand that working together for the sake of Tens mother is key.

“Ten, you have an E.I. right?”

Ten turns on Mai and the back of his hand lights up.


“Keep her on, and make sure she notifies us of where the Padra are.”

Ten nods and looks at his palm. Mai overheard the conversation and didn’t need to be told twice.

“On it.”

His uncle still carrying his mother tilts his head as a sign for Ten to follow him.

“Follow me, we gotta get off this planet before it’s too late.”

“But how?”

“I have a friend who still owes me a favor, lets go.”

The two start running as Mai tells them where to go and not go. More and more cities are being attacked. The news has also reached some of those who went to the front lines at the first city. Their morale has taken a huge hit. They left their homes to protect their family and friends. But now they are in harm’s way and there is nothing they can do to help. Hopelessness falls over the fighters sent to protect their planet.

But those who are in the middle of fighting didn’t have the luxury to get updated on the news. So they were still fighting with all their heart like Li-on and Demo. The gym members, especially the S rank were holding their own against the Palindra. Li-On looked around and saw his pupils get hurt he wanted to change the conditions with which he asked Demo to join.

“Demo, please go help my pupils.”

Demo looks at Li-On with a smile.

“So I can go attack first?”

Li-On nods. Demo smiles and without hesitation, he rushes towards the big fray.  As he rushes in he thinks to himself that he was able to read the attack pattern of the axe guy, but wasn’t able to do anything until the attacks stopped. So he needs to improve his reading of movements and learn how to intercept before the attack reaches him.

He sees a big Palindra wielding a sword fighting a B rank and jumps to attack from the sky. The Palindra sees him coming and blocks the incoming kick. The Palindra parries the force of the kick and tries to attack Demo with a heavy slash. Demo tries to move into the attack of the blade to counterattack but messes up the timing because it is his first time. The attack is effective and Demo gets cut across his chest. He sees his own blood. The shock of being injured completely stops Demo in his tracks. His eyes glowing red start turning black until they are completely dark. He looks at the Palindra that hurt him and without warning he rushes at him with a punch. The Palindra tries to block the punch but Demos punch is so strong that it breaks the sword and hits the Palindra so hard he explodes as well.

Demo lets loose a scream of rage and turns his gaze at another Palindra. He runs towards it, jumps up, and starts rotating to increase extra torque to his kick and this Palindra again tries to block the incoming attack. But this one was even heavier than the punch. The Palindra didn’t only explode but the force of the attack created a force of energy so heavy it crashed into the buildings behind it and they collapsed. Demo repeated this pattern and started exterminating all the Palindra there. The leader Soldier Palindra who was facing Li-On is shocked at the sight of his people getting slaughtered so one-sidedly.

Even Li-On is taken aback at the sight of Demo literally being a one man army. The soldier Palindra recognizes that Demo is an unknown variable that disrupts their entire plan. Leaving is now the only way out. As he screams.


But it’s too late as demo just finished the last Palindra that was standing in his way. A blood-covered Demo stands in a dust cloud created by the fighting. His eyes still black and so much rage surrounding his body that it distorts the space around him. He then looks at the Soldier Palindra.

Chapter 15 Fin.

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