I’ve got voices in my head, they murmur in a low whisper. I listen to each word said, they are my souls blister. They revel in the dark, they thrive in madness. Some feed on acknowledgment, some feed on sadness. From all the voices 6 have taken a chair, signifying their intent. They will remain right there, no matter what emotion is sent. They argue fuss and fight, they all crave supremacy. Their voices peek at night, each one wants me crazy. V is the most prominent, and active role in real real life. Keeps us moving forward, ignoring all let downs or strife. His brother V keeps us humble, nice and mingling. When it all falls down, he acts like it aint a thing.
A craves for blood, obsessed and seems to revere death. Often misunderstood, he has given many a story their breaths. R is my rage my joyful insanity, able to fill a page and yet make it seem empty. The world can burn for all he cares, if life doesn’t do it why should he be fair. S is who laughs no matter what the cause. S finds humor in his own misfortune and his own flaws. If it weren’t for S suicide would have long been true, but he is able to smile through all the bullshit we go through. His brother S gets us laid, he knows all the tricks to be played.
The spots to hit to get a moan, the methods to get them all alone. For getting us out of tough spots he is also known. D is the one to bind them all, to which they all call. My greatest struggle is to keep them down, keep up the door at which they pound. Ignore their bickering ignore their screams. A deaf ear to their advice, as I pass them in my dreams. My greatest struggle is to not give in, close my mind to the gifts they might bring. My greatest struggle is to live with six opinions at once, to be surrounded by their melodies and be unable to dance. The greatest struggle I have ever had, is the one inside of me. The greatest struggle is to remain sane when I’m so close to insanity.