Love Poems

I wrote her these love poems

Words drenched in feelings whisked away by ignorance

A blind passion sleeping in waves forever crashing

I loved her beyond the beauty of words

I craved her beyond the passion of fear

And I tried my best to write those feelings down

I gave it my all to translate thoughts and feelings not meant to be given a name

I tried to write away the anxiety, I tried to bury the pain

I used words for dirt and lines as the framing of the casket

I wrote her these love poems to keep her

I wrote her these pieces to lose myself

I loved her more than I could describe in words

But I tried, I tried

Wanted to dive in to her soul and use my poetry as the key to the lock

Create a whirlpool for her to get sucked into and yet feel safe

I wrote her these love poems

Because I knew in the back of my mind, that no matter what I did it wasn’t enough

No matter how I tried, I could never please her

No matter how much I changed, I still wasn’t the right version

No matter what I said, I was still in the wrong

But I tried, I tried to write her these love poems to keep her close

To show her that Im still trying to win her love

I was still trying to win her over

Even though society would claim she was mine

I felt like I was still chasing her down

As if she kept a part hidden from me, a part she felt like could ruin everything

She didn’t understand that I accepted everything about her

That I loved her regardless of what she has done, or what she has seen

I loved her … and that is why I wrote her these love poems

But then she broke up with me

Claiming the way I was, wasn’t right

Claiming my changes weren’t the right changes

Claiming my dreams weren’t the right dreams

I was at a loss for words

A poet without poetry

A writer without sentences

An author without a pen

She took it all away from me

Or maybe I gave it to her within those pages

Maybe I locked my creativity within those lines

I lost my heart in those damn love poems

Now that Im at a loss for words, I want to ask her my love poems back

Is that ok?

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