It was her

She moved my pen and made it dance the tango

She spoke to my restrictions and whispered let go

Unknowingly she gracefully inspired me

Igniting a passion gently yet forcefully

No wall could withstand her might

No corner could escape her sight

She motivated me

Reflections of history shimmer through her glance

Our drive intertwined until it was declared to be a romance

This is our world

We speak through words unknown

We have dialogues with sentences unspoken

We leave common sense twisted and normal broken

My dark wants her in, my light wants her to win

My ego wants to overcome, my compassion whispers my time is done

She motivated me

Her words painted a picture on a canvas stolen from angels

Her style made books close themselves

And she … has the audacity to tell me that I am on equal footing

But mere numbers clarify for me that she is lying

But who cares … SHE motivated me

An occurrence, a miracle, a wonder an event only reserved for a few

But this is what geniuses do

They inspire to create, they leave you in a state of awe

And while certain lines will punch your jaw

A real genius leaves you seated in a chair of dumbfounded

And this is what she does to me …

She motivated me

So when my work exceeds the boundaries of reality

When my words bring gods to their knees to plea

When my pieces make the sky crumble

When my sentences dim the stars

When my titles are written with clouds

Tell the next generation it was not my fault

It was her

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