Chapter 31: New Students

Demo is sitting in class with his fellow students. He and Ten have both been admitted as late-entry transfer students. Demo has to take part in the “special lessons” because of his lack of basic knowledge. Ten, however, has been placed in the advanced class because of his understanding of math and Higher Reasoning. Demo has been tasked with the job of finding the main supplier of MYOS and Ten with finding the source of the signal that can control the comatose people.

The “special lessons” are for students who are a bit behind the rest. Ugly Face who Demo beat up before, is in the class as well, and so are his followers. The teacher usually has to put in a lot of effort to control these rowdy students. But for some reason, they are very quiet and manageable today. Demo is loving the class, he is taking notes of all the simple math and basic knowledge of the universe he is being taught.

One of Ugly Faces’ followers accidentally sneezes. The sudden sound disrupts Demo’s focus and he looks back at the culprit with a look of agitation. Ugly face and those around him immediately jump on the sneezer and shush him. Ugly face lowers his head to Demo.

“Sorry about that.”

Demo smiles back.

“It’s ok.”

Ten is enjoying being back in school. The lack of responsibility, the absence of bills, the fact that you get to just sit in a room and study stuff is something he really missed. He raises his hands on almost all the math questions. Braverte told them that the best way to make friends or gain the student’s trust is to join clubs. Braverte recommended the Augmentation Club, which focuses on the study and application of changing your body. Which made complete sense since MYOS focuses on that. Or the Boxing club. Which was frequented by a lot of the more rowdy students whose bodies were a bit too perfect. Making them perfect suspects for either heavy users of MYOS or suppliers of MYOS.

Demo applied for the Higher Reasoning Research Club. He really wanted to join a martial arts club so that he could fight to become stronger. But all of that wouldn’t be possible if he didn’t first master Cover Up. So that is where he went.

Ten is standing in front of the board where you sign up for clubs. He is looking for the Augmentation Club that Braverte recommended. He is about to write his name on the sheet when he hears a familiar voice.

“There you are.”

A shiver of fear runs down Ten’s spine. His very soul remembers the agony that voice caused him. He turns around hoping it isn’t who he thinks it is. But there stands Cleus with Cyte right behind him. Cleus has his eyes closed but a big smile on his face.

“I see you’ve officially become a student here. That’s great. You’re about to sign up for the Royal Lineage Club. That’s good.”

Ten doesn’t want to hurt his feelings but he does NOT want to join that club.

“Well actually …”

Unable to finish his sentence because without warning Cleus grabs Ten’s hand and drags him off.

“Cyte will write your name for you. So let’s go.”

In sheer desperation, Ten screams NOOOOO. But his plight goes ignored as he is dragged along the hallway. Tears of sadness and anxiety rolled down his cheek. Without any hesitation, Cyte writes down Ten on the Royal Lineage Clubs sheet. Which now has 5 names on it.

Ten and Cleus arrive at the broken-down building once more with Cyte right behind them. Cleus is excited at the fact a new member has joined their club.

“Ten, did you know that my great-grandfather built this whole school?”

“I didn’t…”

“Yeah, he built the whole thing as a place for his warriors to train and get educated in the art of war and deception. A lot of his old rules still govern this place.”

Ten thinks to himself that this must be the reason why an old-school law like settling an argument through duels is still in place. Cleus continues.

“This building used to be his house. He put a barrier around it so that only those of royal blood may enter and those whose blood has been recognized by the 3 great families.”

“So, you’re really royalty?”

Cleus raises his head back and opens his eyes to look at the sky. He has a look of sadness about him as he answers.

“Yes, I am.”

Cyte also seems a bit down at the question. Ten clearly hit a sensitive spot and decided to change the topic.

“Have you ever heard of MYOS?”

Cleus looks back at Ten, slightly surprised at the sudden question.

“Yeah, I have.”

“You two don’t seem to use it.”

“Using a vile drug like that would disgrace the honor of my blood.”

Ten looks at Cleus and wants to verify something.

“Whenever he gets upset he talks like that?”

Cyte looks at Ten with a smile.

“You should hear him when he gets excited.”

Cleus can hear them and gets embarrassed.  

“ANYWAY … why do you ask?”

“I’m just curious. I’m not from here. We have something similar on my planet but it focuses more on brain power.”

Cyte nods.

“We had something similar as well. They all seem to enhance abilities though.”

Ten feels like they might know something. So he continues to probe.

“Any idea where it’s coming from?”

“I’ve seen some people buy it from several students. I think there are like 6 dealers in this school.”

“Ever seen who gives it to them?”

“No. Do you want to deal?”

Ten shakes his head profusely at the thought of dealing in drugs.

“No, no, no, no. I have just seen what the drug does to people back home. I hate to see that happen here as well.”

Cleus gets a very serious look on his face.

“It did a lot of damage to our home as well.”

Ten can tell that Cleus has been through a lot but knows not to ask about someone else’s trauma unprovoked.

“I want to stop that from happening here.”

Cyte and Cleus both look at Ten. What he just said is rather grandiose and very ambitious for a single student to aim for. But Ten has made up his mind and that much is clear when Cyte and Cleus look at his eyes. Ten decides to see if these two will help him.

“Will you help me find out who supplies MYOS?”

Cleus smiles and then starts laughing.

“How can a king not listen to his servant’s requests? Yes, we will help you.”

Ten smiles at having found some more companions to help him on his journey. But then Cleus breaks the mood.

“But first we have to make sure we read two more chapters today!”

Ten turns around and wants to run away but before he can set his body in motion Cleus grabs him by the collar and brings him into the building. Cyte looks at the two going in and thinks to herself if they should have told Ten that Braverte already asked them to help him with this as well.

Chapter 31 Fin

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